Our Bookshop-spree grants
Posted on: 11/05/16 BY admin

In 2019 we are repeating the opportunity for schools and groups who work with disadvantaged young people to apply for a series of small grants to be spent in local independent bookshops.
This year we will do this monthly, and aim to give away up to £2000 each month. This may go entirely to one school/group, or we may choose to break this amount down into several smaller grants of £750 / £500 / £250 – £250 can still buy a few nice books!
Which bookshops we use will depend on the location of the winning groups. We would expect young people to choose the books themselves, with guidance from their librarians, teachers and booksellers.
Sorry – as with other school competitions we have run, this is not eligible for fee-paying schools to enter.
To enter (and for the regional deadlines for all application) please see our Teachers & Librarians page
And please give us your PP / FSM number as a percentage and the number of pupils at your school.